Mansions of Madness
Published by Fantasy Flight Games
Designed by Corey Konieczka
For 2 to 5 players, aged 13 to adult
Way back in the mists of time - and I mean way, way back - I was a young man. Naive, adventurous, and a bit geeky.
Back then, I met a girl, and if you asked me at the time, I would have told you I loved her. Remember, I said I was naive?
She seemed to like me, and we began a "whirlwind romance." We made a special effort to make space in our schedules to spend time together. And it was all exciting and new.
But over time, and actually rather swiftly, we started to realise that we didn't really have very much in common. Remember, I said I was a bit geeky?
It became more and more obvious that we weren't really enjoying our time together.
So it ended.
Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking this is a very familiar-sounding story.
And it is.
It's familiar to the point of cliche.
And it's familiar, because it happens all the time.
It even happens with board games.
That's why I'm writing this review of
Mansions of Madness, a game I actually reviewed years ago, but which I felt the need to revisit.
After all, sometimes (like with a childhood romance), it's hard to let go...