Thursday 27 July 2017

Review - EleMental

Designed by Chris McCann
Published by Minds United Ltd
For 2 players, aged 10 to adult

EleMental board game

"Since the beginning of Time the elements have raged across space, possessed with unfathomable cosmic energy, creating and destroying, battling eternally in an infinite theatre of existence."

So begins the rules for EleMental, a game so utterly pretentious you're at risk of disappearing up your own bottom just by reading the rules out loud. And let's make no bones about it, EleMental is incredibly pretentious. It may have a name that sounds like a 1980s comedy-crime television series about a girl called Ellie cracking tough cases with her psychic powers, and it may look like several bits of foamcore glued together, but Minds United (the creators and publishers) really thought they were on to something special here.

Monday 24 July 2017

Patreon, YouTube, and Facebook... Oh My!

Hey everybody

I realise it's been a bit quiet around these parts recently, but Always Board Never Boring is a little bit like a swan: On the surface, everything is calm and serene, and it doesn't look like much is happening. But underneath...

Underneath, I'm a seething ball of hatred that wants to break your arm.


That doesn't seem right.

Okay. So, the point is, there haven't been many updates here on the blog recently, but that doesn't mean I haven't been a busy little beaver...


I thought I was a swan.

I shouldn't do these updates when I'm tired.

I'll start again...

Hey everybody! Want to know what I've been up to recently. The answer is, "Loadsa stuff."

First of all, I've been trying to get my Patreon up and running. So far, running isn't really the right word. Limping isn't really the right word either.

Lying down for a nap?

I dunno. I poked it with a stick earlier and it let out a faint groan.